Monarch Hydraulics, a leading manufacturer of hydraulic start switches and solenoids, operated for over 150 years until being acquired by Bucher Hydraulics in 2007. Bucher, an internationally known leader in the manufacture of mobile and industrial hydraulics, continues to offer the same high-quality solenoids and switches from the Monarch Series.

Largest Monarch Distributor
Mason Dynamics is the largest stocking Monarch Hydraulics distributor in North America. We maintain a massive inventory of power units and parts and ship most orders within 24 hours. Call our expert hydraulic sales staff today for pricing and availability.
Obsolete Parts
We have new replacements for obsolete parts, and some of the originals in stock too. If you have any questions about which replacement solenoid to get, please call our sales department and they’ll be happy to assist.
OEM & Dealer Discounts
New OEM and dealer accounts can qualify for extended terms and pricing discounts. Call our customer service department today to apply.

Monarch Hydraulics Motor Start Solenoid 03427

Monarch Hydraulics Motor Start Solenoid 03336

Monarch Hydraulics Motor Start Switch 03322

Monarch Hydraulics Motor Start Switch 04343

Monarch Hydraulics Motor Start Solenoid 17744

Monarch Hydraulics Motor Start Solenoid Kit K17764